Here's what's new in 2023.02.03 release for Repair Facilities.
Note: The availability of the features listed below may vary based on the products licensed by your company.
Diagnostic Procedures: Minimum Vehicle Year
We have updated the minimum vehicle year condition within diagnostic procedures settings from 2000 to 1996.
Follow these steps to configure Diagnostic Procedures:
- Go to Settings in
- Select Diagnostic Procedures
- Add or edit a Diagnostic procedure or OEM scan preference
- Specify workfile conditions and add/edit operations/scan preferences
- Save changes
- Only shops with CCC Diagnostics have access to managing Diagnostic Procedures
- Only users with Manage diagnostic procedures and regions permission may access Diagnostic Procedures settings
Figure 1
Diagnostic Procedures: Add Operation
We have updated the Operation field value to display "None" when neither Repair or Replace operations are applied to a diagnostic procedure. Previously the field remained blank.
Follow these steps to configure Diagnostic Procedures:
- Go to Settings in
- Select Diagnostic Procedures
- Add or edit a Diagnostic Procedure
- Add or edit a Diagnostic operation
- Save changes
- Only shops with CCC Diagnostics have access to managing Diagnostic Procedures
- Only users with Manage diagnostic procedures and regions permission may access Diagnostic Procedures settings
Figure 2
What's New Notifications
We updated the primary header bar on The bar now includes a new notification button that allows users to see news and announcements published by CCC.
To view What's New notifications on
- Go to the Home screen in
- Click on the megaphone button in the header
- A panel called What's New on CCC ONE slides out from the right-hand side of the screen
The header bar, including the What's New button, is also visible on the following screens:
- Workfiles
- KPI Dashboards
- UpdatePlus Reports
- Settings
Figure 3
Figure 4