Here's what's new in CCC ONE Estimating for Repair Facilities release
Note: The availability of the features listed below may vary based on the products licensed by your company.
Preferred vendor configuration
Support for preferred vendors in the desktop application is now available to shops without Repair Order Management! This means all shops using CCC Estimating for Repair Facilities can configure preferred vendors. Vendors that are marked as preferred will show an orange star next to the vendor name when using Shopping, Source Parts, and Checkout.
To mark a vendor as preferred:
- Go to Settings on, then select Vendors
- Add a new vendor or search for and select a vendor to edit
- In the Vendor tab, scroll down to the Preferred vendor section and click Configure
- Specify company default and/or location level settings
- Click Save in the bottom right-hand corner of the screen
Figure 1
When configuring preferred part accounts and vehicle makes, it's important to note that shops without Repair Order Management have a fixed set of Sales Part Accounts. Available part accounts include:
- Aftermarket
- Opt OEM
- Other
- Re-Manufactured
- Sublet
Figure 2
- You must have the following security permission to edit vendors: Create, search, view, edit, and deactivate vendors
- You must have the following security permission to edit preferred vendor settings: Edit preferred vendors
Dealer Management
DMS Dashboard access
Shops licensed with Dealer Management Integration will now have access to the Dealer Management dashboard on This dashboard provides users with the ability to manage repair order and payment export exceptions with their configured Dealer Management System (DMS).
To access the dashboard from the desktop application:
- Select the main app menu in the upper right-hand corner of the screen
- Select Dealer Management
Figure 8
- Shop must have the following licensed feature to access the Dealer Management dashboard: Dealer Management Integration
- User must have the following security permission to access the Dealer Management dashboard: Dealer Management – Manage DMS integration from a single dashboard
Duplicate part code exception
Shop users can now configure an exception highlight the presence of duplicate part codes used on the estimate. Previously, the same part code could be added to the estimate multiple times without the estimator’s attention being drawn to the discrepancy. Like other workfile exceptions, this new exception is managed through the Performance tab on the workfile. Further, the severity (critical or very critical) of the exception is configurable with all other exceptions through Workfile Exceptions settings in the repairer profile.
To configure workfile exceptions:
- Select the Configure menu to Access Profile settings
- Select the repairer profile and click Edit
- Select Workfile – Exceptions
- Click Edit
- Check the box on the Duplicate part code entries exist exception, then click Save
- Click Save on the repairer profile
Figure 9
Figure 10
Once activated, a workfile exception will be generated whenever a duplicate part code is detected on the estimate. Users can manage resolution of the exception in the workfile Performance tab and in the Exceptions screen of the Close Repair Order wizard.
Figure 11
Figure 12
- Workfile exceptions functionality is only available to shops with the following licensed product: Repair Order Management
- Users must have the following security permission to edit workfile exception settings: Edit repairer profile
- The duplicate part code exception can be configured as a "Critical" or "Very Critical" exception
- When flagged as a "Critical" or "Very Critical" exception, the Close Repair Order flow will require the user to view and resolve workfile exceptions
- To resolve "Critical" and "Very Critical" exceptions the following security permissions are required: Override CRITICAL performance exceptions and Override VERY CRITICAL performance exceptions
Workfile Cover Sheet
All users can now easily print the Workfile Cover Sheet in portrait orientation. Depending on Workfile - Printing settings in your repair facility profile, vehicle owner information can be hidden or shown in the report.
To access this feature:
- Go to any Workfile, then select Print
- Check the box for the following report: Workfile Cover Sheet - Portrait
- Set print quantity and printer as desired, then click OK
To update Workfile - Printing settings:
- In the Configure menu, select Profiles
- Select the repair facility profile, then click Edit
- Select Workfiles - Printing under Repair Management settings
- Edit settings as desired, then click Save
Figure 13
- Users must have the following security permission to print workfile reports: Search and view (read-only) workfiles or Create and edit workfiles
- Users must have the following security permission to edit settings in the repair facility profile: Edit repair facility profile
Estimate to Repair & Final Bill
All users will now see any miscellaneous operations items broken out in the totals section of the Estimate to Repair and Final Bill print reports. Previously, these charges were included within Parts totals. This change improves clarity and visibility around estimate totals.
To see the benefit of this feature:
- Go to any Workfile
- Select and add various operations to the estimate including replacing parts and any Miscellaneous Operation.
- Select Print
- Locate Final Bill or Estimate to Repair
- Find that all Miscellaneous Operations exist in their own category
Figure 14
- Estimate to Repair and Final Bill reports are only available to shops licensed with Repair Order Management
Shop users may now see surcharges returned from Clearent on payments processed with the POS provider. Users with surcharge functionality enabled with Clearent may now recieve a surcharge amount when a new receipt is successfully created through the Clearent integration. The surcharge amount is applied to the receipt in question and included on the following print reports: Estimate to Repair, Final Bill, and Receipt. Further, these reports include a disclaimer advising user of the surcharge applied.
To process a payment through the Clearent integration:
- Go to Settings on and select Payment Devices to register your Clearent device with CCC ONE
- Once configured, open a workfile with a balance due
- Select New Receipt
- Click the green Pay Now button
When payment completes successfully a "success" screen is displayed with payment details. If a surcharge was returned from Clearent, the surcharge amount and total receipt amount including surcharge is displayed on screen. When printing the receipt, these amounts are also included in the receipt subtotals and balance due history.
Figure 16
Figure 17
Figure 18
- To create receipts in CCC ONE, the shop must have the following licensed product: Repair Order Management
- Users must have the following security permission to create a receipt: Create, search, and view receipts
- Credit card surcharge features are configured via external settings with Clearent. If configured, CCC ONE will automatically apply surcharges returned by Clearent when the payment is processed.
- Back-end activation is required - the following client feature deployment must be enabled: Enable Clearent Surcharge
System Reports
Historical data for past 7 years
CCC ONE users can now run system reports with a start date of up to 7 years in the past. This means that all reports available under System Reports can now have a start of up to 7 years prior to today's date.
To access this feature in system reports:
- Select the Reports menu, then select Find Report
- Select a report listed under System Reports
- Modify the Date Range
- Click Apply to run the report
Figure 15
- To run reports within CCC ONE, users must have the appropriate security permission to view the report category
- When specifying the date range, the overall range ("From" date to "To" date) cannot exceed 2 years