Here's what's new in CCC ONE Estimating for Repair Facilities release
Note: The availability of the features listed below may vary based on the products licensed by your company.
Mid-repair Survey Response
Shops enabled with UpdatePlus now have the ability to send a mid-repair survey to customers. The mid-repair survey allows shops to track customer satisfaction while the repair is in progress. Once configured, survey responses from the customer will appear in CCC ONE Desktop. Responses can be found in the workfile Notes tab and in the Customer Communication screen.
To view mid-repair survey responses:
- Open a workfile where the mid-repair survey was sent
- Go to the Notes tab and select the Customer Communication category
This will filter workfile notes to show only Customer Communication items. Look for "Mid-repair survey received" items to view the customer response.
Figure 1
From this screen you also have access to the Customer Communication screen. Simply click the Contact Customer button in the toolbar above the notes list. Scroll through message history on the left-hand side of the screen to view all customer messages sent and received.
Figure 2
- To configure the use of mid-year repair surveys, go to UpdatePlus settings on
- Once configured, customer responses to the mid-year repair survey are automatically recorded to the workfile
- Negative responses may include additional notes from the customer
Estimating: Parts Dashboard access
To provide more visibility to electronic orders, the Parts Dashboard is now available for Estimating shops without Repair Workflow features. This functionality was recently introduced on Now, users can access this dashboard from the CCC ONE Desktop dashboard menu.
For Estimating shops, the Parts Dashboard contains the following queues:
- Pending - Includes electronic orders pending confirmation from the vendor
- Action Required - Includes electronic orders where the vendor has sent updates that require shop review
- Failed orders - Includes electronic orders that failed to process with the vendor
- Part changes - Includes parts with changes to part number, description, and/or price that may be applied to the estimate.
To access the Parts Dashboard:
- Login to CCC ONE Desktop
- Click the blue dashboard menu button in the upper left corner of the screen
- Select Parts
A new browser tab will launch displaying the Parts Dashboard on
Figure 3
- The following security permission is required to manage parts through Parts Dashboard: Manage all aspects of parts procurement from a single dashboard
- The Parts Dashboard only includes electronic orders for Estimating only shops
Receipts: Sync payment type with Clearent
Shops now have the ability to sync the payment type entered on the CCC ONE receipt with the payment type used on Clearent devices. This feature is only available to shops that have connected their Clearent devices with CCC ONE.
When the shop creates a new receipt in CCC ONE, the payment type must be selected. A green Pay Now button appears if the payment type can be processed through a Clearent device. If the payment type processed by Clearent differs from the payment type selected on the receipt, the receipt will automatically upate with the payment type returned by Clearent.
To process payments with a Clearent device:
- Connect Clearent devices on under Settings > Payment Devices
- Once connected, create a new receipt in CCC ONE Desktop
- Enter required information in the new receipt, then click Pay Now
Figure 4
- Back-end activation of the following client feature deployment is required to enable this feature: Clearent - Enable Payment Type Auto-Match
- The receipt payment type will only be updated if the value selected does not match the value returned from Clearent
- The receipt payment type will only be updated if the value returned from Clearent matches an existing payment type configured in CCC ONE
- To configure payment types in CCC ONE, edit Receipt Types in the repairer profile
- To connect Clearent devices to CCC ONE, go to and edit Payment Devices settings