Repair workflow shops with UpdatePlus and Carwise enabled can offer a contactless payment option for customers if they utilize Clearent payment devices. This feature is offered via Clearent Paylink and enables customers to easily pay their estimate balance online.
How contactless payments work:
When the payment is successful, a receipt is automatically created on the CCC ONE workfile. When creating the receipt, CCC ONE will attempt to sync the payment type received from Clearent in the PayLink transaction with a corresponding receipt type in CCC ONE. For example, if the customer paid with a VISA card, CCC ONE will attempt to create a receipt with receipt type "VISA."
In some cases, the payment type returned from Clearent may not match an active receipt type configured by the shop. When this occurs, a receipt is still created for the unknown payment type. The receipt created on the CCC ONE workfile will use the default receipt type “Clearent PayLink.”
Shops can configure the payment type they’d like to use when processing “unknown” payment types from Clearent.
- Go to Settings on
- Select Payment Devices
- Scroll to the bottom of the screen to Processing unknown payment types
- Select an available Payment Type from the list
The settings change is saved automatically. Going forward, any new receipts generated from an “unknown” Clearent payment type will use the selected payment type instead of the default.
- Shop must have the following licensed product to use PayLink Contactless Payments: Repair Workflow Repair Order Management
- Shop must have the PayLink feature enabled on their Clearent account (please contact Clearent to enable)
- For customers to access contactless payments on the Web, the shop must enable the following on
- Carwise Profile
- UpdatePlus Repair Status Messaging
- UpdatePlus Web View
- Payment Devices
- When creating the receipt on the workfile, CCC ONE attempts to sync the Clearent payment type received only with active receipt types configured for use with Clearent in Payment Device settings