Here's what's new in release 2024.05.23 for Repair Facilities.
Note: The availability of the features below may vary based on the products licensed by your company.
Parts: Invoice Search
Shops with Repair Workflow Parts Management features now have the ability to search for invoice documents on Just as in the desktop application, you can search for invoices by the following criteria:
- Invoice number
- Repair order
- Vendor
- Invoice date
- Created date
- Modified date
- Document status (Draft, Complete/Posted, and Voided)
To access invoice search:
- Log into and click the menu button in the upper left-hand corner of the screen
- Select Parts, then select Invoices
Figure 1
In this release you'll be able to open the workfile from invoice search results by clicking on the RO number hyperlink. Stay tuned for additional functionality in an upcoming release including the ability to void and edit invoices from this screen.
Figure 2
- Shop must be licensed with the following product to access invoice search: Repair Workflow Parts Management
- User must have the following security permission to access invoice search: Parts Management - Create, search, view, and edit invoices
Parts: Workfile Invoice View
Shops with Repair Workflow Labor Management features now have access to invoice documents on the workfile in You'll find invoice documents, along with purchase orders, on the workfile Parts screen (previously the Orders screen).
To access invoices on the workfile:
- Go to and open a workfile with invoices saved
- Click the menu button in the lower left-hand corner of the workfile screen
- Select the Open menu, then select the invoice you want to view
Figure 3
The workfile Parts screen is displayed with the selected invoice in view. All invoices saved to the workfile are available to view. This includes draft, complete/posted, and voided invoices.
Figure 4
From this screen you can also view all purchase orders saved to the workfile. You can filter the documents you want to see by document type or vendor name.
Figure 5
- Shop must be licensed with the following product to access invoices on the workfile: Repair Workflow Parts Management
- User must have the following security permission to access invoices on the workfile: Parts Management - Create, search, view, and edit invoices
- Draft invoices are indicated with an orange bullet in the document list on the left-hand side of the screen
- New, edit, and void functionality is not available at this time - stay tuned for these features coming soon in an upcoming release
Payroll: Pay Periods
Shops with Repair Workflow Labor Management features now have access to Pay Periods on You can now search, view, create, open, and finalize pay periods on
To access this feature:
- Select the app menu in the upper left-hand corner of the screen
- Select Pay Periods
Figure 6
From Pay Period search you can add new pay periods for the shop location. Simply click the Add pay periods button and follow the steps. Steps are the same as performing the same action in the desktop application.
Figure 7
You can search for existing pay periods using the search criteria on the left side of the screen. Select a row in the search results to see available actions.
- Open pay period - Changes pay period status from "Unused" to "Open" once paysheets have been selected to add
- Edit - Displays the pay period detail screen listing all employee and team paysheets in the pay period
- Delete paysheets - Deletes all employee and team paysheets in the pay period resetting pay period status to "Unused"
- Finalize - Changes pay period status from "Pending" to "Finalized"
- Reopen - Changes pay period status from "Finalized" to "Reopen"
Figure 8
Within the pay period detail screen you can view summary detail of the paysheets included in the pay period. Select a paysheet to see available actions:
- Delete paysheet - Removes the selected paysheet from the pay period
- Approve / Unapprove - Changes the approval status of the selected paysheet
Figure 9
- Shop must have the following licensed product to access Pay Periods features: CCWLB - Repair Workflow Labor Management
- User must have the following security permission to access Pay Periods on Create, search, view and edit pay periods
- User must have the following additional security permissions to perform specific actions:
- Delete unused pay periods - Provides the action for deleting all unused pay periods in the shop location
- Finalize pay periods - Provides the action to finalize a pay period
- Reopen a finalized pay period - Provides the action to reopen a finalized pay period
- Editing paysheet details is not yet available - this will be included in another release coming soon
Estimating: Parts Database Updates
We've made a couple of enhancements to improve usability of the parts database when writing estimates on First, the width of the part description column now grows when the screen is expanded. Additionally, you'll now find the following indicators displayed to the right of the part price when applicable:
- D - Discontinued
- C - Core charge
- A - Approximate price
To access the parts database on
- Open a workfile on, or create a new one
- On the Vehicle screen, add a standard vehicle
- On the Estimate screen, click the blue + button on the upper right-hand side of the screen
Figure 10
- The parts database is only available when a vehicle has been added to the workfile
- Indicators listed above are shown conditionally based on the data provided by MOTOR
Payments with PayLink: Unknown Payment Types
When an unknown payment type is received from Clearent PayLink transactions, the receipt created in CCC ONE will now be created with a default receipt type of "Clearent Paylink." This will help shops reconcile payments made through Clearent PayLink.
Shops can change the default receipt type applied in this scenario by updating Payment Devices configuration in Settings on There is a new setting called Processing unknown payment types. This setting allows the shop to select one of the payment types configured for Clearent, instead of using the default. Then, the receipt created in CCC ONE will use the selected payment type when an unknown payment type is received from Clearent PayLink.
To configure this setting:
- Go to Settings on
- Select Payment Devices
- Scroll to the bottom of the screen to find the Processing unknown payment types setting
- Select an available Payment Type from the list
Changes are saved automatically.
Figure 11
- This setting is only available to shops enabled with Clearent PayLink
- PayLink features must be enabled on the shop's Clearent account via Clearent - this is not done through CCC ONE
- Shop location must have at least one Clearent device configured to process payments via CCC ONE
Settings: My Account Enhancements
A new security permission called Edit My Account information has been added to Security Role settings. This allows shops to limit a user's ability to edit their information in My Account settings.
To update security permissions:
- Go to Settings on
- Select Security Roles
- Select a security role, then click Edit
- Click the Permissions tab, then check/uncheck desired permissions
- When finished, click Save
When the Edit My Account information permission is checked, the user will be able to edit their name, address, and phone information in My Account settings same as they can today. When this permission is unchecked, the user will only be able to view their information in My Account settings but cannot change it.
Figure 12
- Because all CCC ONE users can edit their My Account information today, all existing security roles have this permission checked by default
- Users with or without the Edit My Account information permission will still be able to change their password from the My Account screen
- A user's ability to change password may be limited by the shop organization's CCC ONE authentication policy