Here's what's new in release 2024.07.19 for Repair Facilities.
Note: The availability of the features below may vary based on the products licensed by your company.
Invoices: Map orphan part to estimate line
When receiving parts on an invoice, there is the potential for "orphaned" parts to appear on the invoice. This occurs when:
- A part was removed from the estimate after a purchase order was created
- A part was manually added to a purchase order
- An electronic draft invoice includes a part that couldn't be identified on the estimate
Now, shops with Repair Workflow Parts Management features can map these orphaned lines on the invoice to an estimate line.
To access this feature:
- Create a new invoice or open a draft invoice with "orphaned" parts on
- Select the link button on the orphaned part line
- Click on a row in the Link to estimate line screen to select, then click OK
- Select Save or Save Draft to save your changes
Once changes are saved, the orphaned line no longer exists. The invoiced part is now mapped to the selected estimate line.
Figure 1
Figure 2
Figure 3
- Shop must be licensed with the following product to access invoices: Repair Workflow Parts Management
- User must have one of the following security permissions to edit invoices:
- Create, search, view, and edit invoices
- Parts - Manage all aspects of parts procurement from a single dashboard
- Part line linking cannot be undone once Save or Save Draft has been clicked on the invoice
- User may remove link before saving the invoice by clicking the broken link button on the orphaned line
Invoices: Issues & errors
As you create new invoices and edit draft invoices on, issues and errors may be displayed. Errors have been updated to more clearly display the specific reason the invoice cannot be saved. When errors are encountered a red tag may be displayed in the upper right-hand corner of the screen. Clicking on the tag will display a list of the errors encountered.
Issues highlight manual changes to invoice list and discount values. Issues are informational and will not prevent saving the invoice. When issues exist, an orange tag is displayed in the upper right-hand corner of the screen. Clicking on the tag will display a list of the issues encountered.
To access the issues feature:
- Create a new invoice or edit an existing draft invoice
- Select one or more parts to receive
- Manually change Invoice List $ or Invoice Unit Cost $
- Click on the orange Issues tag
Figure 4
Issues are displayed for the following reasons:
- Invoice List $ change
- Invoice Discount % differs from vendor profile discount
Figure 5
To access the errors feature:
- Create a new invoice or edit an existing draft invoice
- Select one or more parts to receive
- Select Save without entering the invoice amount
- Click on the red Errors tag
Figure 6
Errors are displayed for the following reasons:
- Invoice quantity is greater than the quantity remaining to receive
- Invoice variance must be $0.00
- A manually added line is missing required information
Figure 7
- Shop must be licensed with the following product to access invoices: Repair Workflow Parts Management
- User must have one of the following security permissions to edit invoices:
- Create, search, view, and edit invoices
- Parts - Manage all aspects of parts procurement from a single dashboard
- When both issues and errors exist on the invoice, the errors tag takes precedence - issues are hidden until errors are resolved
Invoice: Print Invoice
Shops with Repair Workflow Parts Management features now have the ability to print invoices on
Follow these steps to print an invoice from the workfile:
- Select the menu button in the bottom left-hand corner of the workfile
- Select Open on the left-hand side of the screen
- Select the invoice document you want to open
- When the Parts screen is displayed, select Print in the toolbar above invoice details
Follow these steps to print an invoice from Invoice search:
- Search for and select an invoice
- Select View invoice
- When the Parts screen is displayed, select Print in the toolbar above invoice details
Figure 8
- Shop must be licensed with the following product to access invoices: Repair Workflow Parts Management
- User must have one of the following security permissions to access invoice search:
- Create, search, view, and edit invoices
- Parts - Manage all aspects of parts procurement from a single dashboard
- User must have one of the following security permission to view parts documents on the workfile:
- Search and view (read-only) workfiles
- Create and edit workfiles
Invoice: Available actions
Shops with Repair Workflow Parts Management features now have access to additional invoice functionality on New launch points for invoice related actions are available in the Parts Dashboard, Invoice search, and workfiles Parts view.
New launch points for invoice actions as follows:
- Parts Dashboard, Draft Invoices queue - Void and Edit are now available
- Parts Dashboard, Not Received queue - New invoice is now available
- Invoice search - View invoice is now available
To access the Parts Dashboard:
- Log into and select the menu button in the upper left-hand corner
- Select Parts, then Parts Dashboard
Once on the Parts Dashboard, select the individual queues to see items within that queue. Within the queues, select a row from the list of results to see available actions.
Invoice search is also accessible from the Parts Dashboard. Simply click the Invoices button in the white bar displayed on the left-hand side of the screen.
Figure 9
Figure 10
Figure 11
- Shop must be licensed with the following product to access invoices: Repair Workflow Parts Management
- User must have one of the following security permissions to edit invoices:
- Create, search, view, and edit invoices
- Parts - Manage all aspects of parts procurement from a single dashboard
- User must have the following security permission to void invoices: Void invoices
Paysheet: "Select" flat rate pay
When editing paysheets on, the existing “Select all" button for flat rate/commission pay selection has been updated. Just like the desktop application, in addition to "select all" functionality, users now have the ability to select flat rate/commission pay by:
- Flagged hours - Selects items to pay that have unpaid flagged labor
- Vehicle completed - Selects items to pay where Vehicle Out is marked as complete
- Vehicles delivered - Selects items to pay where Vehicle Delivered is marked as complete
To access this feature:
- Open a pending pay period or search for a pending paysheet on
- Select a flat rate/commission employee or team paysheet and click Edit
- In the upper right-hand corner of the list of Flat Rate/Commission items, click Select...
- Select one of the available options
Figure 12
- User must have the following security permission to edit paysheets: Create, search, view, and edit pay periods
- Paysheets may only be edited while the corresponding pay period has a status of Pending
- Flagged labor rules are defined in repair plan phase details configured within the Repair Facility profile Repair Plan settings
Estimating: View photos while editing
Users can now view workfile photos while editing the estimate in From the estimate screen, the user can launch a large image viewer in a separate screen. This allows the user to view and interact with both the estimate screen and large image viewer simultaneously.
Within the large image viewer the user can now:
- View vehicle photos at larger scale
- Zoom into a specific area on the photo
- Quickly select a specific photo to view
To access this feature:
- Open a workfile with photo attachments
- Go to the Estimate screen
- Click on the photo thumbnail displayed in the lower right-hand corner of the screen
- Select one of the following options:
- Open in a new tab
- Open in a new window
The large image viewer is displayed. Use the left and right arrow keys to move through images in order. Or, click on one of the thumbnail images in the right-hand panel to jump to a specific photo. Click anywhere on the large image displayed to zoom and drag the photo as desired.
Figure 13
Figure 14
- This feature is available to users with and without the edit workfiles permission
- The photo viewer supports opening multiple instances in browser tabs or windows without limit