Here's what's new in Version 24.12 CCC Repair Facility for iPhone.
Note: The availability of the features listed below may vary based on the products licensed by your company.
Mobile Technician User: Search Workfiles
This version of CCC ONE mobile for Repair Facilities now supports new security permissions for searching workfiles. Previously, users with the CCC ONE Mobile Technician security role always had access to search for any workfile. Now, shops can customize this security role to limit technician access only to workfiles they are assigned.
To update the technician user security role:
- Log onto
- Go to Settings, then select Security Roles
- Click on the CCC ONE Mobile Technician role, then click Edit
- Update technician permission as desired, then click Save
Figure 1
A technician user will always have permission to view workfiles assigned to them. The ability to search all workfiles must now be granted separately. A technician is considered assigned to a workfile when any of the following conditions are met:
- Technician has a labor assignment on the workfile
- Technician has an assigned, open task on the workfile
- Technician has clocked time to the workfile
- User must have the following permission to edit security roles on Security Roles - Create, search, view, edit, and delete security roles
- The CCC ONE Mobile Technician security role will always have the following permission enabled: Search workfiles assigned to me
- The following security role must be manually enabled or disabled for the technician user: Search all workfiles
- The CCC ONE Mobile Technician security role applies to all mobile technician users