Here's what's new in Release 2024.08.16 for Repair Facilities.
Note: The availability of the features below may vary based on the products licensed by your company.
Employees: Add Employee
Shops with Repair Workflow Labor Management features now have the ability to create new employees on Previously only editing existing employees was permitted.
To add new employees to your shop:
- Go to Settings on, then select Employees
- Click Add in the toolbar above the list of employees
- Enter required information under Employee, Location, and Wages tabs
- Click Save
Figure 1
- User must have the following security permission to add new employees: Create, search, view, edit, and deactivate employees
- User must have the following security permission to add a CCC ONE user account to the employee: Create, edit, and deactivate user login accounts
Employees: Wage Settings
Shops with Repair Workflow Labor Management features now have the ability to edit employee wages in the Employee profile on Within the employee wages tab, you can specify:
- Employee wage type - Salary, Hourly, Flat Rate/Commission
- Employee wage rate appropriate for the wage type
- If the employee is a contract worker
- If employee will receive labor assignments in CCC ONE
If an employee is set to receive labor assignments in CCC ONE, you must also specify the labor types the employee can be assigned. You may also specify rules for use of the Timecard application for clocking into jobs.
To edit employee wage settings:
- Go to Settings on, then select Employees
- Select the employee, then click Edit
- Click on the Wages tab at the top of the screen
- Update employee wage settings, then click Save
Figure 2
Figure 3
Figure 4
- This feature is only available to shops licensed with Repair Workflow Labor Management features
- User must have the following security permission to edit the employee profile: Create, search, view, edit, and deactivate employees
Payroll: Print Pay Period Worksheets
Shops with Repair Workflow Labor Management features now have the ability to print worksheets from the pay period on The Worksheets print option prints all worksheets for all employees and teams included in the pay period.
To access this feature:
- Go to Pay Periods on
- Select a pay period to View or Edit
- In the toolbar at the top of the screen, select Print
- Select Worksheets
- This feature is only available to shops licensed with the following feature: Repair Workflow Labor Management
- User must have the following security permission to view or edit pay periods: Create, search, view and edit pay periods
- The Worksheets report is only available from the pay period detail screen at this time
Payroll: Timecard Search (by Day)
Last release shops enabled with Repair Workflow Labor Management features were given the ability to search timecards by punch on This release provides the ability to search timecards by day as well. When searching timecards by day, search results return a single row per clocked employee per day. A given day may include multiple timecard punches for the employee.
Follow these steps to search timecards by day:
- In the main menu select, Payroll > Timecards
- Click the View button in the toolbar on the upper, right-hand side of the screen
- Select By Day
Figure 5
Figure 6
- Shop must be licensed with the following product to access timecard search: Repair Workflow Labor Management
- User must have the following security permission to access timecard search: Timecards - Create, search, view, edit, and forcibly clock-out timecards
Payroll: Create and Edit Timecards
Shops enabled with Repair Workflow Labor Management features now have the ability to create and edit timecards on A timecard is automatically created any time an employee clocks into the CCC ONE Timecard application. The timecard tracks the employee clock-in time, clock-out time, and time clocked to specific repair orders or teams.
Users with appropriate permission may edit timecards. When editing timecards, you can update the employee's clock-in time, clock-out time, and hours allocated to repair orders or teams. With edit permission, you can also create timecards manually.
To edit an existing timecard:
- Go to Payroll > Timecards on
- Select View: By Punch in the upper right-hand corner of the screen
- Search for and select the timecard you want to edit, then click Edit
- Update timecard as desired, then click Save
Figure 7
Figure 8
To create a new timecard from scratch:
- Go to Payroll > Timecards on
- Select Add timecard in the toolbar at the top of the screen
- Select the clock-in location for the employee
- Select the employee and specify clock-in and clock-out times, then click OK
- Edit timecard details as desired, then click Save
Figure 9
Figure 10
- This feature is only available to shops licensed with the following product: Repair Workflow Labor Management
- User must have the following security permission to create and edit timecards: Create, search, view, edit and forcibly clock-out timecards
- Timecards may be created for any type of employee (Salary, Hourly, Flat Rate/Commission)
- In a given pay period, timecard data is used when calculating employee pay only for hourly employees
- Only timecards by punch may be edited at this time. Editing timecards by day will be available in a future release.