Here's what's new in Version 24.9 CCC Repair Facility for Android.
Note: The availability of the features listed below may vary based on the products licensed by your company.
My Account Settings
Users now have access to view My Account settings in the RF Mobile app. Users with appropriate permission may also edit My Account settings via the app. This includes:
- Employee photo
- Personal information such as name, display name, and date of birth
- Contact information such as address, phone, and email
- Emergency contact information
To access this feature:
- Log into the RF Mobile app
- Tap the menu button in the upper left-hand corner of the screen
- Select My Account
Figure 2
The My Account screen is displayed. If user has permission to edit their settings, then a photo button and "Edit" button are displayed. Tap Edit to update My Account settings.
Figure 3 & 4
To upload an employee photo:
- Tap the photo button on the My Account screen
- Select Photo from Camera or Photo from Library
- Either take a photo or select an image from the device library
- Accept terms of use when prompted
Figure 5
- All users with access to the CCC Repair Facility Mobile app have access to view My Account settings
- User must have the following permission to edit My Account settings: Edit My Account information
- Users are granted access to edit My Account settings via Security Roles
- Security Roles for standard CCC ONE users may be edited via the CCC ONE desktop application or
- The security role for CCC ONE technician users may only be edited via
Edit Override Prompt
When editing workfiles via the CCC ONE Repair Facilities mobile application, users may be presented with an edit override prompt. If another user has the same workfile open in CCC ONE, the logged in user will be presented with a prompt to take over the workfile so they can edit and save changes.
Figure 1
- The prompt will only be displayed when attempting to save changes to workfile data (e.g., vehicle information, vehicle options, estimate lines through Jumpstart)
- Only users with the following security permission will be allowed to select the override action: Override workfile lock for editing