Here's what's new in CCC ONE Estimating for Repair Facilities release
Note: The availability of the features listed below may vary based on the products licensed by your company.
Workfile Exceptions: Overall Gross Profit
Shops with Repair Workflow can now configure an Overall Gross Profit %. This setting will reflect the overall gross profit of the repair order as a holistic value, taking into account all sales accounts on the RO. Additionally, users can configure a workfile exception associated with this value. The exception allows shops to track performance to the overall gross profit goal and can be used to prevent closing the repair order until the exception is resolved.
Figure 1
To configure the Overall Gross Profit %:
- Access Profile settings
- Edit the Repairer profile
- On the left side of the screen, select Sales Gross Profit Goal – Overall
- Enter desired value for Overall Gross Profit Goal %
- Click Save
Figure 2
To configure workfile exceptions:
- Edit the Repairer profile
- On the left side of the screen, select Workfile - Exceptions
- Click Edit in the Workfile Exceptions toolbar
- Check the box next to Overall gross profit is less than target
- Set Critical Exception status and Impact Threshold
- Click Save
Figure 3
Figure 4
- Any time the workfile total gross profit % is less than the specified percentage, the exception will exist on the workfile
- Workfile exception is flagged "critical" or "very critical" based on the defined Impact $ Threshold
- Impact $ is determined by calculating the difference between Overall Gross Profit $ and Actual Gross Profit $
- The default value for Overall Gross Profit Goal % is 0.0
- User must have the following security permission to edit the Overall Gross Profit Goal % and Workfile Exception settings: Edit repairer profile
- User must have the following security permission to close the repair order if the Overall Gross Profit $ exception is set as a critical exception: Override CRITICAL performance exceptions
- User must have the following security permission to close the repair order if the Over
Diagnostics: Support for duplicate entries
Shops enabled with CCC Diagnostics have the convenience of scan-provider recommendations for vehicle-specific calibration operations. Given the broad nature of these recommendations, numerous operations may need to be added to the estimate to encompass a complete repair. Now, shops can always add any available Diagnostic Procedure from the Review Diagnostic Procedures window. Shops are no longer prevented from adding an operation, even if that operation already exists on the estimate.
To access this feature:
- Open a workfile with a vehicle specified
- Click Diagnostics to review applicable diagnostic procedures
- Check the box on the item you wish to add, then select OK
Figure 5
Selected items are added to the estimate. Click the Diagnostics button again to add additional procedures. All available procedures may be added to the estimate. Even those that were already added.
- Items with a purple “pulse” icon indicate recommendation by the scan provider. Click on the purple icon to view details.
- Scan provider recommendations with identical descriptions may appear. The difference in these items may be found in price, labor, or the extended description viewable when clicking the “pulse” icon.
Estimating: Mark total loss
Shops without Repair Workflow now have the ability to designate a workfile as a total loss. When marked as a total loss, the user can write a total loss estimate for capturing storage, towing, and other fees related to processing the total loss workfile.
To access this feature:
- Create or access and existing workfile
- In the Workfile tab, select Convert to Job
- In the Estimate tab, write a preliminary estimate, then Lock Estimate
- In the ribbon bar under the Repair section, click Total Loss
Figure 6
Once the workfile is marked total loss, the estimate version changes to Total Loss. At this point you can write the total loss estimate. In workfile search results, the estimate version will appear as TTL.
Figure 7
If you determine the file is no longer a total loss, you can easily switch it back to repairable. Simply click the Repairable button and confirm the action. The total loss estimate is deleted and you can continue with the original Estimate of Record.
Figure 8
- To mark a workfile total loss, user must have the following security permission: Create and edit workfiles
- In order to access the Total Loss button, the workfile must first be converted to a job
- The Total Loss estimate uses rates from most recently locked estimate or supplement
- Previously this feature was only available to shops licensed with Repair Workflow Repair Order Management. Now shops without Repair Workflow can mark files as total loss.
Build Sheets: Support for verified data
Shops licensed with Build Sheets may now receive build data from manufacturers using OEM Verified Build Data. Functionally, there is no change to the end user experience in receiving build data. When build sheet or build data is present on the workfile, enhanced parts filtering is available. Also, the Vehicle Equipment Report may be saved to the workfile.
To access this feature:
- Create a workfile in or the CCC ONE mobile app
- Scan or add a VIN to the workfile
- If build sheet or build data is available, it will download automatically
- Save the workfile
Once data is saved to the workfile, enhanced parts filtering is available in and the desktop application.
In the desktop application:
- Open the workfile
- Proceed to the Estimate tab
- Search for and add parts from the MOTOR tab
Note parts filtering is to Filtered w/ Build Data.
Figure 9
- Only shops licensed with the following product may access build sheets functionaity: Build sheets
- User must have the following security permissions to download build sheet data: Create and edit workfiles
- Not all manufacturers provide factory build sheet data or verified build data. In these instances, the Vehicle Equipment Report will still be automatically retrieved when available.