Here's what's new in Version 24.16 CCC Repair Facility for iPhone.
Note: The availability of the features listed below may vary based on the products licensed by your company.
Update Predict Total Loss
Total loss prediction features implemented in the Mobile app have been updated. AI functionality previously introduced allowed shops to manually request a total loss prediction on assignment workfiles for select carriers. Rather than manually get the prediction, now the application will automatically get a total loss prediction when enough photos have been captured on the workfile.
To use this feature, the shop must first enable "Total loss prediction" in Settings via Once enabled, workfiles received from carriers with predict total loss functionality will automatically attempt to get a total loss prediction.
To get a prediction result:
- Open an assignment in the Mobile app
- Go to the Photos tab
- Add at least 5 photos in the following sections: Exterior, Damage, Additional
- Save the workfile
When at least 5 photos are added to the workfile, the app will attempt to get a total loss prediction. When a prediction result is returned, the result is visible in the mobile app. Mobile app users can access the prediction result from the Estimate screen (when no estimate exists) or the workfile actions menu.
To view the total loss prediction result on a workfile without an estimate:
- Open an assignment where photos were previously captured via the Mobile app
- Select the Estimate tab
- Tap Total Loss Prediction
If the workfile has an estimate, tap the menu button in the upper right-hand corner of the screen. Then tap Total Loss Prediction and the result is displayed.
The following results may be displayed:
- Predicted Repairable
- Probably Total Loss
- Predicted Total Loss
- Unknown
- This feature is only available on assignments from carriers where Predict Total Loss is enabled
- Photos are uploaded to the AI service when the workfile is saved on the mobile app - this occurs before estimate lock
- Any 5 photos in the following sections may produce a total loss prediction: Exterior, Damage, Additional.
- Photos uploaded do not need to be of the four corners or damage close-ups
- Photos will be uploaded to the AI service one time only - once uploaded photos will not be sent to the service again
- Only standard mobile users with permission to edit workfiles may access this feature - feature is not available to technician users
Build Sheets: Support for verified build data
Shops licensed with Build Sheets may now receive build data from manufacturers using OEM Verified Build Data. Functionally, there is no change to the end user experience in receiving build data on the Mobile app. When build sheet or build data is present on the workfile, enhanced parts filtering is available. Also, the Vehicle Equipment Report may be saved to the workfile.
To access this feature:
- Create a workfile in the CCC ONE mobile app
- Scan or add a VIN to the workfile
- If build sheet or build data is available, it will download automatically
- Save the workfile
Once data is saved to the workfile, enhanced parts filtering is available in and the desktop application.
- Only shops licensed with the following product may access build sheets functionality: Build sheets
- User must have the following security permissions to download build sheet data: Create and edit workfiles
- When build sheet or build data is applied, vehicle options will update to reflect "Installed" options and select fields in the Vehicle screen may populate (e.g., interior and exterior colors, paint code, trim code, etc.)
- Workfile events will indicate when build sheet data is retrieved vs. OEM verified build data. Events logged to the workfile are "Factory Build Sheet received" or "Verified Enhanced Build Data received".
- Not all manufacturers provide factory build sheet data or verified build data. In these instances, the Vehicle Equipment Report will still be automatically retrieved when available.