Here's what's new in CCC ONE Estimating for Repair Facilities release
Note: The availability of the features listed below may vary based on the products licensed by your company.
Build Sheets: Download build data
Shops licensed with build sheets now have the ability to download build sheets on from a workfile in CCCONE Desktop. When entering the VIN, the build sheet will automatically download for vehicles with build data. Build data is then applied to the workfile. When build sheet data is applied, the following may occur:
- Model selection filters to fewer models
- Paint and trim values populate
- Applicable option packages selected
In the event build sheet data is not available, a Vehicle Equipment Report may still be downloaded. This too, occurs automatically. Once downloaded, with or without build sheet data, the Vehicle Equipment Report is available to view in PDF format from the workfile Options and Photos screens.
To download build sheets from CCCONE RF Desktop:
- Create a new workfile
- Enter customer information, then select the Vehicle tab
- Enter VIN and "tab" or click Decode
- If more than one model is returned, select a model and click Next, otherwise click OK
- Build sheet data is downloaded automatically.
To view the Vehicle Equipment Report:
- After build sheet data is applied to the workfile, go to the Attachments tab
- Click the Vehicle Equipment Report PDF
Does your workfile already have a vehicle with VIN saved? You can still get build sheet data for the vehicle. On the Vehicle tab, click the Factory Build Sheet button.
As a reminder, when build sheet data is applied to the workfile, an additional level of parts filtering becomes available. Build sheet data is used to further filter parts specific to the vehicle. To update parts filters select the blue + button on the Estimate screen. Then click the filter chip in the part database toolbar.
- Only shops licensed with the following feature may access build sheets in CCCONE Desktop: BLDSH - Build sheets
- User must have the following security permissions to download build sheets: Create and edit workfiles
- Not all manufacturers provide factory build sheet data. The Vehicle Equipment Report will still be automatically retrieved where build sheet data is not supported.
Diagnostics: Pass OEM certification to provider
Shops enabled with CCC Diagnostics may receive scan-provider recommendations for vehicle-specific calibration operations. CCC ONE now provides additional, detailed estimate information so that scan providers can return more precise recommendations. CCC ONE now sends OEM Certification and insurance company information to the scan provider along with the shop's request for calibration recommendations.
To access this feature:
- Open a workfile with a standard vehicle
- Click Diagnostics to review applicable procedures
- Click the purple “pulse” icon where available to view calibrations recommended by the scan provider
Each calibration recommendation from the scan provider now takes into account the shop's OEM Certification status. If the workfile is an assignment, then calibration recommendations also take into account the insurance company on the assignment.
- Each time the Diagnostics action is triggered, calibration recommendations may appear
- Calibration recommendations are contingent on scan provider participation - some scan providers may not support calibration recommendations
- Per the Scan Provider, the shop will be considered OEM Certified when the shop has earned certification from the OEM, for the make of the vehicle on the workfile
- When a shop has earned Certification, the OEM will notify CCCONE directly
- Insurance company information will only be passed to the scan provider on assignment workfiles
Estimate Reports: Partner PO#
Repair Facility and IA users now have visibility to the rental PO number on specific workfile reports. When the insurance assignment includes the rental PO number, the reports will display a "Partner PO #" field in the report header information. This field will only be available on assignments and is not editable by the shop/IA user.
To access this feature:
- Open an assignment workfile
- Select Print
- Choose an estimate report (e.g., Current Estimate), then click OK
When viewing the printed report, you'll find Partner PO# near the top of the page on the right-hand side.
If the rental PO number was included in the assignment, you'll see the Partner PO# field displayed on the following workfile reports:
- Assignment Sheet
- Current Estimate – English
- Current Estimate – Spanish and English
- Estimate of Record
- Estimate of Record – Spanish and English
- Preliminary Estimate – English
- Preliminary Estimate Spanish and English
- Preliminary Supplement with Summary – English
- Preliminary Supplement with Summary - Spanish and English
- Supplement of Record [x] with Summary – English
- Supplement of Record [x] with Summary – Spanish and English
- User must have the following security permission to print workfile reports: Search and view (read-only) workfiles
- Partner PO# is supplied by the insurance company on the assignment
- Partner PO# is only visible on the printed report - the field is not shown in workfile screens and cannot be edited
Settings: Form Letter Templates
All shops with access to now have the ability to manage Form Letter Templates at the company level. Once activated, existing form letter templates are converted for management via Settings on When accessing these settings in the repair facility profile on the desktop app, you will be redirected to to edit.
To activate template management at the company level:
- Go to Settings on
- Select Form Letter Templates
- Select Get Started
- When forms analysis completes, select Continue
- When conversion is complete, select Done
Now you're managing form letter templates at the company level! Updates to your templates are applied to all locations subscribed to the template.
After conversion is complete, you will no longer manage Form Letter Templates on the desktop app. The desktop app will open for editing Form Letter Templates.
To access this feature post conversion:
- Select Configure > Profiles
- Select the repair facility profile, then click Edit
- Select Form Letter Templates
- Click Configure
- User must have the following security permission to edit Form Letter Templates on Forms - Manage centralized forms
- Redirect from the desktop app to for managing Form Letter Templates is only available after company level forms management has been activated
- For more information on forms conversion and managing your letter templates, please see the latest Release Notes for