If the Paint Materials and Labor hours do not match on an estimate, verify the profile settings in CCC Estimating.
To verify the refinishing rule options:
- Select Configure > Profiles from the menu bar.
- Select the claim office profile listed in the Insurance tab of the workfile, then select Edit from the mini-toolbar. NOTE: If no claim office is listed, then select your Repair Facility profile instead.
- Click on the Refinish link under Rules.
- Select the Paint Supplies Rate Category type. (Paint & Materials or Paint Only).
- Enter a Maximum Clear Coat Hours amount. The default is 2.5.
- Enter or change the Maximum Paint Supplies $ value for each paint type. Enter in your threshold. This applies to single-stage, two-stage, and three-stage paint supplies.
- Select Maximum Hours or Actual Hours from the Calculate Clear Coat materials based on droplist.
- Click Save or Save and Close.
Actual vs Maximum Settings in CCC Estimating
The setting of actual time is what drives the additional materials. The maximum setting matches the labor when clear coat cap is implemented.
Any estimates which have been locked will have to be adjusted with a manual line, if the estimate is in preliminary state you can update rates and rules to correct prior to locking.