For resolving issues with CCC Workflow Portal uploading of EMS/PDFs/JPEGs files see the information below.
Completing/Committing of Exported Workfiles
Mismatched EMS/PDFs
Upload File Size Limitations
Browser settings/Clearing of Old EMS folder
Customer Help/Training link
Completing/Committing of Exported Workfiles
- If you are using a 3rd party estimating application, verify the estimate has been committed (locked) and export EMS again.
- Ensure you are doing commit and close for the estimate to be in commit status. This will also export EMS in the same action. Do not open it back up to save EMS again.
Mismatched EMS/PDFs
Check to see that EMS/PDF versions of Estimate/Supplement (E01/S01, S02) are correct in the EMS, PDF files. In the Portal Upload window select the correct version of the workfiles being uploaded using the "+, -" options.
Upload File Size Limitations
The Portal Upload has a 20 megabytes (MB) file type size limit for uploads. Verify the total size of attachments and data (EMS/PDF/JPEG) for each file group does not exceed 20 MB size limit.
See Unable to Upload Image files (JPEG/PDF) - No Error Message for more information.
Browser Cache/Clearing of Old EMS Folder
Clearing the Browser cache may resolve some upload issues.
Google Chrome Browser
- Select the Menu icon in the top right corner, identified by 3 dots stacked vertically.
- Select the Settings option within the menu.
- Under Settings, click on Advanced to open further options.
- Under Privacy and Security, select Clear Browsing Data.
- Once the Clear Browsing Data screen is available, select the settings depicted below.
- Click on CLEAR BROWSING DATA. Close all instances of the browser and then relaunch the browser.
Internet Explorer Browser (IE)
- Inside Internet Explorer, from the top menu select the Tools option or the Gear icon located in the Top Right corner of the browser.
- Within either option, select the Internet Options listing.
- Under Internet Options and General tab, locate the options for Browsing History.
- Match the settings depicted below and click the Delete button under Browsing History.
Clearing Old EMS Folder
To resolve some EMS export issues, try clearing out old EMS files by renaming the current EMS folder.
- Locate the current EMS folder and rename it.
- Create a new EMS folder and then try re-exporting EMS files.
NOTE: Contact your 3rd party estimating systems for assistance in locating the folder and to rename, re-create it correctly.
Customer Help/Training Link
See customer training link for additional help with uploading to the CCC Workflow Portal.
Portal Upload Steps Help screen.