CCC Engage includes the ability to create and manage estimate and repair appointments.
CCC UpdatePlus includes customer communication and satisfaction surveys.
Configuring Appointments in CCC Estimating is covered in detail in How to Schedule & Setup Appointments.
To create new appointments, follow the steps below:
- There are three ways to create a new appointment:
- Select New > Appointment from the menu bar, then enter search criteria to find an existing workfile OR click the Search button to see all workfiles.
- Select View > Workfiles from the menu bar, select a workfile, then New > Appointment from the mini-toolbar.
- From inside a workfile, select the Workfile menu, then New > Appointment (OR use hotkey Ctrl+Shift+M).
- The New Appointment window displays. It contains to main sections: Appointment and Contact (Customer and Insurance) information on the left, and Calendar on the right. The following fields can be completed for the new appointment:
- Appointment type: Estimate or Repair
- Appointment date and time
- Estimator (Pre-populated from the workfile if selected in step 1 above.)
- Internal Note (Any notes about the appointment or workfile)
- Customer: Name, phone number and type, email address, and communication preference (Pre-populated from the workfile if selected in step 1 above.)
- Insurance: Company name and claim number (Pre-populated from the workfile if selected in step 1 above.)
- Calendar: Displays the appointment date and all configured estimators. Estimators with a schedule conflict (Calendar exception or another appointment) will display a gray box for the duration of the conflict. Dragging the Blue appointment window will change the estimator, date, or time for the appointment.
- After filling out your desired appointment fields, click OK to create the appointment.
You may send appointment confirmation messages via text or email. The messages follow the communication preference configured for the vehicle owner on the Contacts tab of the workfile. Appointment confirmation messages include the following:
- Welcome - This is the first message a customer will receive. The message informs the customer that they will be receiving periodic updates from the shop. The customer may opt out of receiving these messages by replying “STOP”.
- Appointment Confirmation - When an appointment is saved, a confirmation message is sent to the customer. The message includes the date and time of the appointment, the shop name, and shop address.
- Appointment Reminder - One hour before the scheduled appointment time, the customer will receive a reminder message. The message includes the appointment time, shop name, shop phone, and shop address. If the appointment is a same-day appointment, then no reminder message is sent. Appointment reminders are not sent via text before 8 AM.
- Reschedule Appointment - This message is sent when an appointment is rescheduled with a different date and/or time and saved. The message includes the new appointment time, shop name, and shop address.
- Cancel Appointment - This message is sent when an appointment is cancelled. The message includes the shop name and phone number to reschedule the appointment.
You can enabled or disable appointment messaging:
- Login to with your CCC Estimating User ID and Password.
- Expand the Site Navigation Menu, then select Settings.
- Select the UpdatePlus tile.
- Enable Appointment Messaging.
- Click Save in the lower right-hand corned of the UpdatePlus settings screen.
This functionality is found in the Customer Experience Dashboard. You can manage contacting the customer for each workfile directly on the dashboard.
To access the dashboard:
- Expand the Dashboard Navigation Menu.
- Select Customer Experience.
Worklists appear on the left-hand side of the dashboard and are grouped in the following categories:
- Customers: Opportunities, In Process, Ready to Deliver, and Delivered
- Hotsheets: Pending, and Acknowledged (7 Days)
- Customer Replies: Review, Negative Tone, Question, Rental, Insurance
Workfiles related to the selected worklist display on the right-hand side of the dashboard. The results can be filtered by estimator. The estimator drop-list appears above the worklists on the left-hand side of the dashboard.
Below the worklist links is a Reports link. Selecting Reports navigates to the Reports dashboard, with Customer selected in the report type drop-list.
Customers Worklists
Within the Customers worklists are four separate worklist links as listed below:
- Opportunity - This list includes workfiles created within the last 7 days. Workfiles drop off this list after 7 days or when the Vehicle In date is marked as complete.
- In Process - This list includes workfiles where Vehicle In is marked as complete and the vehicle is not yet ready to deliver. Workfiles move out of this list when status becomes Ready to Deliver.
- Ready to Deliver - This list includes workfiles where Repairs Complete is marked as complete. Workfiles move out of this list when the Vehicle Out date is marked complete.
- Delivered - This list includes workfiles where Vehicle Out is marked complete and the Vehicle Out date is within the last 14 days. Items move out of this list when the Vehicle Out date is more than 14 days old. Workfiles with Hotsheets will not keep the workfile in this list. They will be found in the Hotsheets worklists below.
Hotsheets Worklists
You may receive Hotsheets from shop or insurance surveys. The Hotsheets worklist contains two worklist links:
- Pending - All Workfiles with an unacknowledged Hotsheet appear in this worklist. Workfiles move out of this worklist when the Hotsheet is acknowledged. When you have at least 1 Pending Hotsheet, you will see a red counter displayed next to the Hotsheets worklist in the left panel.
- Acknowledged (7 days) - All workfiles where a Hotsheet was acknowledged in the last 7 days will appear in this worklist. After 7 days, the workfile will drop out of this list. Use the available Customer Reports to view Hotsheets acknowledged more than 7 days ago.
Customer Replies Worklists
These worklists provide you with the ability to manage customer replies received in response to UpdatePlus status messages sent via text and email. When at least one unresolved reply exists, a red counter is displayed next to the Customer Replies worklist in the left panel. Items remain in the Customer Replies worklists until they are either resolved or the corresponding vehicle is delivered and the Vehicle Out date is more than two weeks prior. Customer Replies worklists include:
- Review - This worklist contains unresolved customer feedback requiring manual intervention or review. For example, the customer is asking a question or the customer has replied with a message indicating the customer may not be happy.
- Negative Tone - This worklist contains replies that have a negative tone.
- Question - This worklist contains replies where the customer is asking a question.
- Rental - This worklist contains replies that reference “rental” or a rental company.
- Insurance - This worklist contains replies that reference “insurance” or an insurance company name.