If the deductible or betterment is not printing on your CCC Estimate or Supplement, follow the steps below.
- Make sure that the Payer displays Insurance Company under the Insurance Tab - Deductibles will not show on Customer Pay workfiles.
- Within the insurance claim office profile, open the Estimate Rules tab, Misc. change the deductible field to Include in Estimate Totals.
- The settings for this section in CCC Estimating are listed in Profile->Rules->Miscellaneous->Deductible and you will want to change the option from Include in Settlement Totals to Include in Estimate Totals.
The Include in estimate totals section is the default selection.
NOTE: This change is not retroactive for locked files. This change will only apply to preliminary estimates.
- This can also be caused if the workfile was changed from claimant to insured after it was locked. The workfile would then appear to be correct but it is still technically set to Claimant. Create a Prelim Estimate and this will display the deductible in the Print Preview.