Here’s what’s new in 2021.10.01 release for Repair Facilities.
Note: The availability of the features listed below may vary based on the products licensed by your company.
Settings for estimate notes
You can now manage repair facility settings for predefined estimate notes on Estimate notes are used to quickly add estimate notes and line notes while writing an estimate.
To access settings for estimate notes:
- Select the Menu button in the upper left corner of the Workfiles screen
- Select Settings
- Click the Estimate Notes item on the Settings screen
To build your estimate notes list, select the Add button. To make changes to your list, click on a row and select one of the available actions.
NEW! Now you can change the order estimate notes are displayed. You can also insert a new note in the middle of the list.
Only users with Edit repair facility profile permission may edit estimate notes.
Figure 1
Vendor selection for ordering OEM parts through Checkout has been streamlined.
- If quotes are received from only one OEM vendor, the vendor is automatically selected for the order
- If quotes are received from more than one OEM vendor, you will be asked which vendor to use for the order
To access checkout, select the Checkout button in the workfile Estimate screen.
Figure 2