Here's what's new in 2022.09.02 release for Repair Facilities.
Note: The availability of the features listed below may vary based on the products license by your company.
Workfile Reports
The following workfile reports are now available to print from the workfile on
- Alternate Parts Usage
- Parts List
- Recall Notices
To print workfile reports, follow these steps:
- Open the workfile on
- Select the File menu in the lower left-hand corner of the workfile screen
- Select the Print menu
- Click on a report to print, then click OK
Figure 1
Photo Capture
You can now capture photos using the forward facing camera on your Surface tablet and other devices using Chrome or Edge browsers. Launch your device camera from the workfile Photos or Vehicle screens using these steps:
- Open a workfile to the Photos screen
- Tap the camera icon on one of the photo placeholders (e.g., Left Front)
- If prompted, allow access to the device camera
- Take the photo
- Select Retake to take it again or OK to save to the workfile
To take additional photos, select the Add photo button in the toolbar or the large + button in the Additional Photos section.
Figure 2
Figure 3
Figure 4
Archived Workfiles
You can now search through and restore archived workfiles on To access archived workfiles follow these steps:
- On the Workfiles screen, click the Archived tab
- Search for and select an archived workfile
- Select Open to view workfile details
- Click Restore in the workfile toolbar or File menu
Note: Only users with "Create and edit workfiles" permission may restore archived workfiles.
Figure 5
Figure 6
Figure 7
Shops may now edit employee assigned locations and reset user passwords on
To edit employee information:
- From the Settings screen, click Employees
- Search for and select an employee to edit in the list of employees
- Select the Edit button
- Edit information in the Employees and Locations tab
- Click Save when all updates have been made
When editing locations, you can update the employees assigned home location as well as add or remove access to other locations within your organization.
To reset a user's password:
- Select Edit on the user's employee record
- Click the User tab
- Click the Reset Password button
- Copy the temporary password displayed and send to the user
When the user logs into CCC ONE using the temporary password provided, the user will be prompted to specify a new password.
Note: Only users with Create, search, view, edit, and deactivate employees permission may edit employee information.
Coming soon! The ability to edit and create new user accounts.
Figure 8
Figure 9