You have unwanted or negative pay that continuously appears on new paysheets.
This payment could be the result of the following:
- A labor assignment was adjusted after the employee had been paid. This occurs when the estimate line for the labor assignment is modified or removed.
- An advance was added to a previous pay period.
- Test files created for training.
To remove the unwanted pay:
- Finalize the open pay period.
- Create a new Pay period.
- Choose any payment frequency.
- The date started should be in the past. Any time in 2010 will work.
- Open the new pay period you just created (It should default to the top of the list).
- Add any paysheet that has unwanted pay.
- Open the paysheet and select the unwanted pay. Be sure to leave any desired pay unchecked.
- Finalize the pay period.
- Re-open the original pay period, and the unwanted pay should no longer display.