A timecard can be created from the Toolbar in the Timecard Search Results pane. Select View > Timecards from the menu bar. The Timecard Search Results screen opens.
To create a new Timecard manually:
- Click New > Timecard from the menu bar. The New Timecard screen opens.
- Click on the Employee droplist, and then click on the employee that you are creating the timecard for.
- Enter the date in the Clock-in field. The timecard now displays the same date value in the Clock-out field as the Clock-in entry by default.
- Adjust the Total hours slider bar if the value is more or less than the screen display of 8.0 hours (default).
- Click OK.
Note: The clock-in start time will default to the start time set up in Configure > Work Hours from the menu bar. The duration defaults to 8 hours.
Alternately, click the Clock-in calendar icon. The current month calendar screen opens. The current date is highlighted by default. Click the day to select. The Clock-in and Clock-out date fields display the date that you selected. The Clock-in and Clock-out time are default to what is configured in the location Work Hours settings.
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