Workfiles can be deleted from your system provided they do not contain a locked estimate or supplement. When a workfile is deleted, tasks that are associated with the workfile are also deleted.
Workfiles that can be deleted include:
- Workfile Copies
- Assignments that do not have a locked estimate
- EMS estimates that have been imported
The Delete function is available for these workfiles by selecting the Action option from the workfile mini-toolbar.
This feature requires that the security permission Workfiles - Delete workfiles (permanently remove from system) is enabled for your user role.
The following lists workfile types that cannot be deleted:
- Closed workfiles
- Assignment workfiles that have a locked estimate and have been communicated to the insurance company
- Workfiles that have a locked estimate or supplement unless the workfile was manually created
- Workfiles already communicated to an insurance company
- Workfiles that have a total loss valuation request
To delete a workfile
- Click View > Workfiles from the menu bar. The Workfiles screen opens.
- Select New under Open Opportunities in the Workfiles panel (Repair Workflow Users).
- or -
Select All under Open Workfiles in the Workfiles panel (Estimating Users). - Click on the workfile, and then select Action > Delete from the mini-toolbar. The message Permanently delete the selected item for [Owner Name] and all related tasks? appears. This option will not be available for certain types of workfiles. See the list above.
- Click Yes.
Storing and Archiving Workfiles
Once a workfile is closed or canceled, it no longer appears in Views search results under workfile search. To access these workfiles you must use the Status filter available in Quick Search and Advanced Search screens under workfile search.
For CCC ONE Comp-Est and CCC ONE Estimating Only users, workfiles are archived 6 months after the last time the workfile was edited and saved. However, workfiles for CCC ONE Repair Workflow users are not archived at this time.
Important! If you are an CCC ONE Estimating Only user that has added Repair Workflow, workfiles previously archived are still available for you to restore from the "Archive" view under workfile search. However, workfiles will no longer be archived.
Restoring an Archived Workfile
Workfiles that are older than 6 months from the last workfile edit date are archived automatically. This feature is available to users with Estimating Only.
An Archive view is available in the Workfiles screen allowing you to search for archived workfiles. Workfiles that appear in the Archive Search Results screen can be restored to allow for adding notes, images, and attachments.
To restore a workfile
- Select View > Workfiles from the menu bar.
- Select Archive from the Workfiles search panel.
- Select the workfile, and then select Restore from the mini-toolbar.
Removing All New Estimates
The Remove All New Estimates feature provides the ability for you to remove all imported EMS estimates that have not been converted to an opportunity or repair order. This feature is available to Repair Workflow Users.
To remove all new estimates
- Select View > Workfiles from the menu bar.
- Select the Views option in the Workfiles panel.
- Click on the New option under Open Opportunities.
- Review the list of workfiles in the Search Results pane.
- Select Remove All New Estimates from the toolbar. The message Remove all new EMS estimates for (location)? opens.
- Click OK. The imported EMS estimates are removed.