To merge a Workfile Copy (AWE) file with an existing Opportunity or Repair Order (RO):
- Select the Copied Workfile.
- Click Action quick menu.
- Click Merge.
If the workfile does not appear in the Merge screen, ensure that the Vehicle Owner's name and Insurance Company matches between both files.
If you are unable to merge a Workfile Copy (AWE) file with an Opportunity, check for the following causes:
- The AWE file has been opened and saved, the workfile is now considered an Opportunity rather than a Workfile Copy and can no longer be merged.
- The workfile you are attempting to merge the AWE file with is an insurance assignment (AWE files cannot be merged with Insurance Company assignments).
- When attempting to merge with assignments, the AWE can be saved as an Opportunity (after canceling the assignment temporarily Action> Cancel Opportunity - Duplicate Workfile). Once the AWE is saved as an Opportunity, reopen the assignment (Action> Reopen) and merge with the saved AWE.
- The workfile has existing estimate lines, this includes Other Charges.
- As a workaround, you may delete any estimate lines and retry. (NOTE: Even if original estimate has been locked, you can create a supplement, delete all the lines of the estimate, save & close and merge with the copied workfile.) Print the estimate and/or supplement before deleting estimate lines.
- If a Total Loss Valuation has been done on the copied workfile, all merge options will not work. A message should appear in newer version of CCC Repair Workflow.
- Incorrect Insurance Company selected in the Opportunity/Repair Order, check for duplicate or similar Insurance Company names and re-select.
- Workfile contains an appearance allowance amount. Remove the appearance allowance.
For further assistance, please contact CCC Technical Support.