This article describes how to configure the Diagnostic Procedures and Diagnostic Regions in
These configurations drive the diagnostic suggestions at the time of writing the estimate. CCC Diagnostics automates compliance according to organizational, insurer, and OEM guidelines, to ensure safe repairs and reduce liability.
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Copying a Diagnostic Procedure
The Diagnostics Procedures not only refer to your organization’s requirements, but also considers requirements of an insurance partner or OEM. When configuring Diagnostics consider the following
preferences hierarchy:
- First preference: For certified locations, the suggested Diagnostic Procedures will be clearly marked with yellow exclamation mark(s) in CCC ONE Estimating whenever the OEM requirements conflict with either that of the insurance partner or organizational standards. You can click on the exclamation mark in CCC ONE Estimating to view the applicable OEM certified requirement.
- Second preference: For insurance assignments (DRP or Open Shop), preferred Diagnostic Procedures are driven by insurance guidelines.
- Third preference: Otherwise, the preference is driven by the repairer’s required organizational process.
Accessing Diagnostic Settings
- Login to with your Username and Password.
- Click the menu icon, then select Settings.
- Use the search field to locate the Diagnostic setting or locate and select Diagnostic Procedures or Diagnostic Regions from the list.
Diagnostic Procedures
The Default Diagnostic Procedure will always show and cannot be removed however, edits can be made.
Standard Procedure: Note: Standard Procedure is applied to configure insurance companies’ guidelines and the repairer’s organizational standards (Default). From the Diagnostic Procedures screen follow the steps in the table below to add a new Standard procedure:
- Click Add.
- Then select Standard procedure, the Add Standard Procedure screen opens.
- Enter or select the General Information options:
- Procedure Name: Can be anything that helps with the organization and recall of a given Standard Procedure.
- Region: Apply to the shops in selected Region(s).
- Minimum Vehicle Year: The minimum Vehicle Year to which the Standard Procedure would apply.
- Insurance Company: Which insurer(s) the Standard Procedure applies to.
- Payer Type: The Payer Type the Standard Procedure applies to.
- Vehicle Make: The Make(s) of the vehicle the Standard Procedure applies to.
Note: When one or more Insurance Companies are selected, check the Apply only to DRP (Direct Repair Program) checkbox to apply this procedure only to DRP assignments and exclude Open Shop assignments.
- Select Add in the Diagnostic Operations section, the Add diagnostic operation window opens. Note: The Diagnostic Operations are the individual Diagnostic Procedures suggested to estimators at the time of writing the estimate.
- Select the appropriate Scan Phase and Scan Type from the drop-down per the insurance partner or organizational standards.
- Enter or select the Diagnostics Hints details. The Labor and Service charges for a single diagnostic operation can be configured as two separate estimate line entries or under a single line (ex: Where Operation = None). Use the checkbox to select if this is the Preferred operation. Then click OK
when finished. Note: Move the slider to Enable/Disable the Diagnostic Hints. When
enabled, the given diagnostic operation will be suggested to the estimators
at the time of estimate writing. - Click Save when finished. Note: Select a Scan Phase for the Delete and Edit options.
OEM Procedure:
Note: The OEM Procedure is applied to OEM certified locations which provide process overwrites to the insurance guidelines and the repairer’s organizational standards. From the Diagnostic Procedure screen follow the steps in the table below to add a new diagnostic OEM procedure:
- Click Add.
- Then select OEM procedure, the Add OEM Procedure screen opens.
- Enter or select the General Information detail.
- Procedure Name: Can be anything that helps with the organization and recall of a given OEM Procedure.
- Region: Apply to the shops in selected Region(s).
- Minimum Vehicle Year: The minimum Vehicle Year to which the OEM Procedure would apply.
- Certifications: Apply to shops in given OEM certified program(s).
- Vehicle Make: The Make(s) of the vehicle the OEM Procedure applies to.
- Select Add in the Scan Preference section, the Add diagnostic operation window opens. Note: The Diagnostic Operations are the individual OEM Procedure overwrites to be displayed to estimators at the time of writing the estimate.
- Select a Scan Phase and Scan Type from the drop-downs. Click OK when finished.
- Click Save when finished. Note: Select a Scan Phase for the Delete option.
Copying a Diagnostic Procedure
- Select a Procedure Name from the Diagnostic Procedures screen, then click copy and create new. The Add Standard/OEM screen opens with the procedure copied detail. Note: The Default procedure cannot be copied.
- Add or change the appropriate General Information and if desired the Diagnostic Operations/Scan Preference to apply to the new Standard/OEM Procedure. Note: The General Information must be an exact match to an existing procedure.
- Click Save when finished.
An Issue alert will appear for the following:
- Overlapping procedure: A notification will appear if there is an overlapping diagnostic procedure
matching all the general configurations of another procedure and which procedure it matches.
Note: Diagnostic procedures will be merged if all the General Information matches. - No Procedures: A notification will appear if there are no diagnostic operations defined for a given
procedure. Select View to see additional detail about the issues.
Diagnostic Region
The Diagnostic Regions configuration allows users to create a region to apply to specific shops; allowing users to apply a procedure to a particular region. From the Diagnostic Regions screen, follow the steps in the table below to add a new diagnostic region:
- Click Add, the Add Diagnostic Region screen opens.
- Enter a Region Name in the General Information section.
- Select a shop from the Locations section. Note: A shop can only belong to one region, an error message will display if that shop is already assigned and indicates which region it is assigned to.
- Click Save.
Note: From the Diagnostic Region screen select a region for the Delete and Edit options. Removing a region will remove it from any existing diagnostic procedures.