Review the following troubleshooting steps to resolve issues with viewing graphics in a CCC Estimating workfile.
Verify the issue is not with the Workfile:
- Confirm that the correct year range is selected for the vehicle.
- Create a new workfile with the same vehicle information.
- If the graphics appear in the newly created workfile, the issue is within the workfile and it may be damaged.
- If the graphics are missing in the newly created workfile, continue troubleshooting.
Restart CCC Estimating:
- Save and Close the affected workfile.
- Close out of CCC Estimating.
- Log back into CCC Estimating and reopen the affected workfile.
Clear System Temporary Files:
- Save and Close the affected workfile.
- Close out of CCC Estimating.
- Clear your computer temporary files according to your Operating System guidelines.
- Log back into CCC Estimating and reopen the affected workfile.
Verify that the network connection to the shared folder is not disconnected (applies to machines on a network installation)
- Select Configure > Machine Settings from the menu bar. The Machine Settings screen opens.
- Click the Directories link in the left pane. The CCC ONE directory locations are displayed in the right pane.
- Note the Database Location.
- Open the Windows Explorer and select Computer to view the shared folders.
- Navigate to the Database Location and verify that it is Not Disconnected / does not have a red X by it (indicating it is disconnected).
- If the Shared Folder is disconnected click on it to reconnect it.
- Log into CCC Estimating to verify that the issue has been resolved.
- If you are unable to reconnect to the Shared Folder contact your IT to assist further.
Update the Vehicle Database (if your current Vehicle Database is more than 20 days old):
- Log out of CCC Estimating.
- Click on the Windows Start button on your desktop.
- Click on Programs and select the CCC ONE folder.
- Click on CCC ONE Update Manager.
- Select Check for Updates Now
- Click on Download and Install once the CCC Update Manager has completed searching for updates.
Run the Data Setup Manually:
- Log out of CCC Estimating.
- Click on the Windows Start button on your desktop.
- Click on Programs and select the CCC ONE folder.
- Click on CCC Update Manager.
- Select the Maintenance Tab
- Click on Run Data Setup.
- Follow the prompts on the screen and click Next.
- Select Install/Update.
- Verify the Month listed in the information box then click Next.
- Once completed log into CCC Estimating to verify you are able to see the graphics in the affected file.