Vehicle Owners are not receiving SMS text or email messages from their Repair Facility.
CCC UpdatePlus sends Status Updates to the vehicle owner to keep them aware of their repair progress. These updates are sent to the cell phone or email address specified for the vehicle owner. If your customer (vehicle owner) states they aren't receiving these desired updates, several factors could be the reason:
(Note: Text messages will stop sending after 30 days due to Federal Communications Commission (FCC) regulations (such as 1, 3, 6, 12 Month Post Delivery), however, if there is an email included the workfile, messages will auto-switch to using that instead of text for the post-30 day messages.)
Verify all Promise requirements are met on the related workfile and the initial Promise has been created.
- Your business phone number is entered in your Repair Facility (RF) Profile. This can be confirmed by clicking Configure > Profiles from the menu bar.
- Any Insurance Company on the workfile has been added as an Insurance Company Profile. This can be confirmed by clicking Configure > Profiles from the menu bar.
- The Payer on the Insurance tab of the workfile is configured to send status updates. Configuring the payer type to send status updates is covered in CSI / Repair Status Setup and Usage.
- Vehicle Owner First Name and Last Name along with a valid Cell Phone and/or Email Address are entered on the Contacts tab of your workfile.
- Communication Preference is set to either Text or Email on the Contacts tab of your workfile.
- If a Call Communication Preference is chosen before the file has been sent to UpdatePlus, this will create a promise ONLY if a cell phone or email address is present on the workfile (in order to allow the survey to send).
- If a Call Communication Preference is chosen after the file has been sent to UpdatePlus, this will opt-out the Promise job.
If the Communication Preference is changed at a later time, UpdatePlus will update the Promise job accordingly.
- An Estimator is selected on the Contacts tab of your workfile.
- The specified Estimator has a valid Email address entered in their Employee record. This can be confirmed by clicking Configure > Employees from the menu bar.
- Vehicle Make is correctly selected on the Vehicle tab of your workfile.
- Vehicle In date event is completed on the Repair Plan tab (For Repair Workflow accounts) OR on the Events tab (For Estimating Only accounts).
- The Workfile has been saved after all of the above are correct.
Verify the Vehicle Owner has not Opted out of status updates
- Open the workfile to the Notes tab.
- Select the Contact Customer button from the toolbar.
- Verify there is no record of Opt Out message in the communication history.
Verify Short Code Blocking is not enabled on the Vehicle Owner's Cell Phone service.