This document describes the parameters and usage of CCC Estimating reports for activity, CSI (Customer Satisfaction Index) surveys and other UpdatePlus functionality.
Accessing Reports
Net Promoter Score
CCC Estimating Reports
UpdatePlus Reports
Using UpdatePlus Reports
UpdatePlus Report Subscriptions
Reporting for the various UpdatePlus functions can be found in two (2) locations: inside CCC Estimating desktop, and at
A Note on Report Differences: The CCC Estimating reports and the UpdatePlus reports run on different metrics, so differences are to be expected. The CCC Estimating report does a simple value of all the individual CSI scores to calculate the bottom-line overall CSI Score. The UpdatePlus report uses each required metrics from each survey for the combined overall CSI score.
Accessing Reports
To access reports in CCC Estimating desktop:
- Select Reports > Find a Report from the menu bar.
- Select Customer from the Reports type drop-list.
- The Customer related reports display.
- Select your desired report from the list.
- Add any filters to the report, then click Apply to see the report details.
To access reports at
- Select Reports > UpdatePlus Reports from the menu bar.
- loads to the UpdatePlus reports section.
- Select your desired report from the list.
- Add any filters to the report, then click Run to see the report details.
Net Promoter Score
A Net Promoter Score (NPS) can be found in various CSI reports. It is based on the fundamental perspective that every company's customers can be divided into three categories: Promoters, Passives, and Detractors. These groups are tracked via the question "How likely is it that you would recommend [Company X] to a fiend or colleague?" Customers respond on a 0-to-10 point rating scale and are categorized as follows:
- Promoters - score of 9-10
- Passives - score of 7-8
- Detractors - score of 0-6
To calculate your company's Net Promoter Score (NPS), take the percentage of customers who are Promoters and subtract the percentage who are Detractors.
CCC Estimating Report Descriptions
REPORT NAME | REPORT DESCRIPTION | Activity | A report showing consumer activity on over a specified date range. |
CSI Customer List | Workfile and customer information for ROs closed over a specified date range. |
CSI Post-Delivery Feedback (UpdatePlus) | Post delivery feedback responses for ROs closed or delivered within the specified date range. |
CSI Service Recovery (UpdatePlus) | Overall summary of service recovery forms sent within the specified date range. |
CSI Summary for Insurance (UpdatePlus) | CSI Summary for completed insurance company surveys for the specified date range. |
CSI Summary for Shop (UpdatePlus) | CSI Summary for completed repair facility surveys for the specified date range |
CSI Summary Overall (UpdatePlus) | Overall CSI summary for completed repair facility and insurance company surveys for the specified date range. |
CSI Survey Detail (UpdatePlus) | Overall summary of RF and insurance CSI surveys for workfiles within the specified date range. |
Customer Replies (UpdatePlus) | Replies received from customers on open and closed workfiles within the specified date range. |
Customer Satisfaction Report | Customer and repair information for ROs delivered within the specified date range. |
Lobby Form Details | Detail report of information provided by customer using the lobby app to drop-off their vehicle for either an estimate or repair appointment. |
Promise Date Accuracy* | Promise date accuracy for workfiles delivered within the specified date range. |
* Accuracy Score: This score is based on whether you complete the vehicle on or before the original Promise Date. The only time accuracy score would be negatively affected is when repairs are completed after Original Promise Date/Time. Time is a key component. If you do not complete a Promise on or before the listed time it is late. If Completed/Delivered date/time is before original promise date/time, accuracy score is not reduced.
CCC UpdatePlus ( Report Descriptions
Production Report* | The Production Report shows all active repairs where the vehicle was dropped off within the specified date range. The date range can be extended to see all active repairs in a 93 day period. |
Performance Report* | The Performance Report analyzes the Repair Facility and Estimator performance over the last 6 months by showing Total Jobs Delivered and Shop/Estimator accuracy. |
Post Delivery Feedback Report | The Post Delivery Feedback Report shows the Post Delivery feedback over a specified date range by Repair Facility and Estimator. |
CSI Completion Report | The CSI Completion Report shows the CSI completion rate and number of completed Service Recovery forms for the specified month and year-to-date. |
CSI Shop Summary Report | The CSI Shop Summary Report shows the key performance metrics from survey results over a specified month range. The month range can be extended to a maximum period of 12 months. |
CSI Estimator Summary Report | The CSI Estimator Summary Report shows the key performance metrics from survey results over a specified month range, grouped by Shop/Estimator. The month range can be extended to a maximum period of 12 months. (This will include ANY employee that was active in the 12 month period if they had CSI Survey data returned, even if the employee is currently deactivated they will still show on the CSI Estimator Summary Report.) |
CSI User Ranking Report | The User Ranking Report shows CSI survey completion data over a specified month and year combination. |
CSI Industry Trend Report | The CSI Industry Trend Report shows CSI survey results over the past 12 months from the specified month. The results are compared with regional and overall industry CSI survey results. |
Network Ranking ranks the estimator with all other estimators in the website. It is based on the Accuracy Score as well as how many Promise jobs they accomplish. A lower ranking does not mean the estimator is doing a bad job. It is a comparison to see where they rank against other estimators.
Promise Accuracy Rating Individual Promise Accuracy Rating is not available on any reports. You must look at each individual promise to see the results. Here is how the Promise Accuracy Rating is calculated (by hours). The promise accuracy rating formula is: (Completed - Original Promise / Original Promise - Date In)
Performance Accuracy Score can be found in several places, including the Production Report and the Performance Report. The Production Report shows the current month to date results. The Performance Report is a rolling 30-day result. This shows “Completed” jobs that have been delivered. Here is how the Performance Accuracy is calculated: Jobs Completed On Time (on or before the original Promise Date) / Jobs Completed.
Using UpdatePlus Reports
- Select Reports > UpdatePlus Reports from the menu bar.
- loads to the UpdatePlus reports section. The available reports and a description display.
- Select your desired report from the list.
- Add any filters to the report, then click Run to see the report details. NOTE: the available filters are based on the report selected.
- You can Print or Download the report, if desired.
Color Coding rule:
Values > 90 is GREEN (Excellent)
Values 70 to 90 is ORANGE (Good)
Values < 70 is RED (Bad)
Report Subscriptions
Each employee has the ability to configure UpdatePlus Report subscriptions under Report Settings.
To manage UpdatePlus Report subscriptions:
- Select Reports > UpdatePlus Reports from the menu bar.
- loads to the UpdatePlus reports section.
- Click the Gear icon in the upper right-hand corner of the report list.
- Select the subscription delivery rate for your desired report(s), then click Save.