If you are unable to download updates through CCC Update Manager, the CCC Scheduler Service may not be running properly, follow the steps below to ensure the CCC Scheduler Service is configured correctly.
- CCC ONE Update Manager has installed an update that requires a reboot to finish the update process.
- CCC ONE Update Manager cannot perform any more processing until after the computer is rebooted.
START the CCC Scheduler Service
- Start failed: Check the error as to why it failed. If it was a log in failure, update the credentials in Log On.
(See related article: How To Update/Change Service Account Password)
- Start worked: If successful move to step 2
- Check that the Startup type is set to Automatic
- Not set to Automatic: Switch to Automatic
- Is set to Automatic: Move to step 3
- Check the Recovery tab and see if it has been set up properly
- If it has been set up properly:
- Example
First Failure Restart the Service Second Failure Restart the Service Third Failure Take No Action Reset fail count after 1 Restart service after 2
- If it has not been set up properly then correct as seen above.
First failure: How does Windows handle the service after if failed to start the first time.
Valid options are “Take No Action”, “Restart the Service”, “Run a Program”, and “Restart the Computer”
Second failure: Same as the First Failure but if it failed a second time
Subsequent failures: Subsequent failure action
Usually set to Take No Action and it is highly recommended to leave it at that
Reset fail count after: The number of days the service must be running before the failure count is reset
Set to at least 1 day but never 0 days
Restart service after: The amount of time in minutes to wait to restart the service
Set to at least 2-5 min but never to 0
If you continue to experience issues with CCC Update Manager, contact CCC Technical Support.
If you continue to experience issues with CCC Update Manager, contact CCC Technical Support.
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